Press Release

Preimer Bank Oo Soo Bandhigay “Agab Lacag-bixin Lebis ah”

Preimer Bank Oo Soo Bandhigay Agab Lacagbixin Lebis ah

Mogadishu, Somalia :- Preimer Bank soo bandhigay jiilkii ugu horreeyay ee aaladaha cusub ee lacagbixinta NFC oo la xiran karo. Waa markii ugu horreysay ee tiknoolojiyadan dalka laga hergiliyay, sidoo kalana naga dhigeysa dalkii labaad oo qaaradda Afrika laga isticmaalo.

Agabka cusub ee ku naqshadeysan tiknoolijiyadda NFC oo qeyb ka ah lebismaalmeedka ayaa waxaa kamid ah Ookilyaale/Muraayad, Faraanti/Fargal, Jijin, Suunka saacadaha iyo galka teleefanka. Qalabkan la xiran karo waxa uu macaamiisha u fududeynayaa inay si fudud, ammaan ah, oo ku haboon ugu bixiyaan lacagta, iyagoo u dhoweyna barta POS-ka ay wax ka iibsanayaan,ATM yada, irdaha tareenada, iyo agabyada lacagaha lagu bixiyo ee leh tikmolojiyadda NFCga oo aan u baahanayn howlo kale.

Adeeggan waxa uu muuqaal rajo iyo yididiilo ka bixinayaa sida dalkeenu u korayo oo uu ugu tilaabsanayo horumaro waaweyn oo dhanka hayadaha maaliyadda ah, lana jaanqaadayo dunida casriga ah. ayuu yiri Maamulaha Premier Bank mudane Geedi Jimcaale.







Waxaan aaminsannahay in tiknoojiyaddu qeyb weyn ka qaadaneyso xalka dalkeena iyo fudueynta nol

osheena, markaan waxaan soo kordhinay ammaan maaliayadeed oo lebiskaaga ku sameysan” ayuu raaciyay.

Agabkan Premier Bank uu soo bandhigay oo ku dhisan tiknoolojiyadda NFCayaa galaya booskii agabyada kale ee lacag bixinta, halka uu uga sarreeyodhinacyada:

Ammaanka: Xogta agabkan way dhowran tahay oo kuma dul qorna, taas oo meesha ka saareysa in la xado ama la minguuriyo.
Degdegta: Agabkan waxa uu xawaare ahaan ka sarreeyaa, kana degdegsiimo badan yahay adeegyadii lacag bixinta ee horay u jiray.
Nidaamyada lacag bixinta: Waxa uu ku xiran yahay dhammaan hayadaha maaliyadeed ee lacag bixinta dunida ugu waaweyn, taas oo sahleysa in macaamiilku uu waxa uu doono iyo xilliga uu doono uu il-biriqsi ku iibsan karo.
Faya-dhowrka: Ka fogaanshaha is taabashada oo muhiim u ah caafimaadka kadib COVID-19 ayuu xaqiijinayaa, isagoo macaamiilka u suurtagelinayo bixinta lacagta isaga oo aan xiriir taabasho cidna la sameynin.

Habka Lacagbixinta danabeysan waxa uu lafdhabar u yahay dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya, sidaa darteed ayuu Premier Bank maalgelin iyo horumarin joogto ah ugu sameeyaa sidii dalka oo dhan loogu rogi lahaa Bulsho kaashka ka maarantay oo la jaanqaada, kuna xiranta nidaamka maaliayadeed ee casriga ah.

Agabkan cusub ee Premier Bank ayaa kor u qaadaya dakhliga ganacsatadamaadaama la hubiyay inuu kaalin weyn ka qaadanayo habka loo marayo iibka,soo koobayo waqtiga, soo jiidanayo macaamiisha tiknoolajiyada jecel, iyo inuu xaqiijinayo is-dhexgalka sahlan ee nidaamka POS ee meheradaha ku qabtaan lacagaha iyo agabyada kale ee lacag bixinta iyo lacag la bixidda.

Suuqa agabka lacag-bixinta ee la xiran karo waxa uu ku jiraa kobac degdeg ah, iyadoo qiimihiisa la filayo inuu gaaro $80.39 bilyan marka la gaaro 2030. Sanadka 2024ka ee aan ku jirno, waxaa la qiyaasayaa in ka badan 1.1 bilyan oo qalab lacag-bixin la xiran karo caalamka laga isticmaali doono, oo ay ka mid yihiin saacadaha casriga ah, suumanka jimicsiga, iyo teknoolojiyada kale ee la xiran karo. Himilada Premier Bank waa inay horseed ugu noqoto isbeddelkan Afrika, iyadoo dhiirrigelinaysa la qabsashada iyo ka qeyb noqoshadakobaca suuqa ee lacag-bixinta NFC.


Press Release

Premier Bank Launch the “Tap2Pay – NFC Wearables” – A First-of-Its-Kind Payment Solution in the country.

Premier Bank Launch the “Tap2Pay – NFC Wearables” – A First-of-Its-Kind Payment Solution in the country

Mogadishu, Somalia Premier Bank proudly announces the launch of Tap2Pay – NFC Wearables, a pioneering payment solution that is the first of its kind in the country and the second to be launched on the continent. This new technology brings the future of secure, contactless payments to Africa, providing users with an effortless way to make transactions.

The Tap2Pay NFC wearables leverage Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, seamlessly integrated into everyday accessories such as eyeglasses, rings, wristbands, smartwatch straps, and phone cases. These stylish wearables enable customers to make swift, secure payments by simply tapping their wearable device near any compatible Point of Sale (POS) terminal, ATM, or other NFC-enabled payment points.

Mr. Gedi Jimle, CEO of Premier Bank, commented, “The Tap2Pay solution signifies a groundbreaking step in Somalia’s financial sector, aligning with global advancements in technology and transforming the way we make payments. We see technology as a crucial component in enhancing financial security and making life easier, and now it’s part of your daily wear.”

Key Features of Tap2Pay – NFC Wearables:

Enhanced Security: The Tap2Pay devices store payment information securely, protecting it from theft or duplication.
Faster Transactions: Transactions are completed swiftly with a simple tap, offering a quicker alternative to traditional payment methods.
Universal Connectivity: The wearables are integrated with major global financial networks, enabling customers to make instant purchases anywhere, anytime.
Hygienic and Contactless: In the post-COVID-19 world, contactless payment methods are more essential than ever. Tap2Pay wearables allow users to make payments without any physical contact, ensuring better hygiene and safety.

Premier Bank’s commitment to electronic payments underscores its goal to develop a “cashless society” in Somalia, fostering financial inclusion and aligning with modern global financial practices.

The Tap2Pay NFC wearables not only enhance the consumer experience but also offer significant benefits to merchants. The ease and speed of these payments can help drive business revenue, attract tech-savvy customers, and integrate seamlessly with existing POS systems for more efficient transaction processing.

The wearable payment market is rapidly expanding, with its valuation expected to reach $80.39 billion by 2030. In the current year, 2024, it is projected that over 1.1 billion wearable payment devices will be in use globally. Premier Bank aims to lead this transformation in Africa by driving the adoption of NFC payment technology and actively participating in this market’s growth.


Press Release

Xafladda Shaacinta Adeegga ATM Cash Deposit – Premier Bank 24/7 Adeeg Casri Ah.

Premier Bank oo Soo kordhiyay Adeeg Cusub: ATM Cash Deposit – Xorriyad Lacag Dhigasho oo 24/7 ah.

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya – 22.08.2024, Premier Bank wuxuu si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay adeegga cusub ee ATM Lacag Dhigasho (Cash Deposit), oo si gaar ah loogu talagalay in uu macaamiisha siiyo xorriyad buuxda oo lacag dhigashada koontada  bangiga ah. Adeeggan cusub wuxuu u suurto gelinayaa macaamiisha inay si fudud oo ammaan ah ugu shuban karaan lacagtooda waqti kasta oo ay doortaan, maalin iyo habeenba; iyadoo ATM-yadeennu ay u adeegayaan si joogto ah.

Faa’iidooyinka ugu Muhiimsan ee Adeeggan:

  • Helitaan Joogto ah: ATM-yadeennu waxay diyaar u yihiin in lagu helo waqti kasta, si aad lacagtaada ugu shuban karto koontadaada marka aad u baahato, iyadoon xilliga loo eegin.
  • Hufnaan, Ammaan, iyo Degdegsiimo: Adeeggan wuxuu ku siinayaa kalsooni iyo ammaan, iyadoo la adeegsanayo tiknoolajiyaddii ugu dambeysay si lacagtaadu si dhaqso ah ugu gasho koontadaada.

Mahad Axmed Maxamed, Madaxa Howlaha ahna ku simaha Maareeyaha Guud ee Premier Bank ayaa yiri: “Soo bandhigida adeegga ATM Cash Deposit waa caddeyn buuxda oo muujinaysa sida aan ugu heellanahay casriyeynta iyo horumarinta adeegyada bangiga, si aan macaamiisheena u siino adeeg bangi oo dhamaystiran, ammaan ah laguna kalsoonyahay. Sidaas darteed ATM Cash Deposit wuxuu kusiinayaa xorriyad lacag dhigasho 24/7 ah, taasoo si sahlan u daboolaysa  baahiyaha bulshada maaliyadeed.”

Press Release

Premier Bank iyo Mastercard oo soo kordhiyay adeeg fududeynaya lacag bixinta Ganacsiyada Online-ka ah. 

Premier Bank iyo Mastercard oo soo kordhiyay adeeg fududeynaya lacag bixinta Ganacsiyada Online-ka ah. 

Premier Payment Gateway oo ka shidaal qaadanaya taageerada Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPGS) ayaa ganacsiyada Soomaaliyeed u fududeynaya in ay badeecadooda ku iibiyaan Internetka oo gaarsiiyaan macaamiil cusub oo dunida oo dhan ah.


Muqdisho, Soomaaliya – 14 July 2024: Premier Bank ayaa maanta daahfurey adeegga Premier Payment Gateway oo ah  ‘Waa’ cusub oo u beryey ganacsiga Internet ka ee online-ka ah, ahna hilinka uu ganacsaduhu ku kasban karo macmiil ka fog, kagana badbaadi karo in xuduudaha dalalku ay dabraan fiditaankiisa, isaga oo si isku mid ah ugu adeegaya macmiilka dhow iyo kan badaha ka tallowsan intaba.

Adeeggan waxa uu bangigu usoo kordhiyay si ganacsiyada dalka uu ugaga saaro mugdiga ka jira ganacsiga online-ka; una sahlo helidda macaamiil awal ka fogaa. Dhanka kale, waxa uu u fududeynayaa in uu ganacsiga dalkeenu gaaro meel ka fog xudduudiisa deegaan, isagoo sidoo kalena sare u qaadaya dakhliga dhaqaale ee dijitaalka ah.

Premier Payment Gateway ayaa ganacsatada macaamiishooda kuwa u dhow iyo kuwa ka fogba siinaya fursad ay agabkooda iyo adeeggooda ku helaan ganacsataduna ay dakhli ballaaran ka sameyn karaan ganacsigooda.  Sidoo kale wuxuu macaamiisha u fududeynayaa in ay wax kaga iibsadaan mareegaha online-ka ah iyagoo adeegsanaya  kaararka bangiyada dalka iyo dibedda sida Mastercard iyo Visa, iyagoo aan ku qasbanaan in ay cag soo dhigaan deegaanka ganacsiga.

Adeegga Premier Payment Gateway wuxuu sidoo kale fududeynayaa in ganacsatada markii ay online badeeco ama adeeg ku iibinayaan helaan lacago qalaad sida Euro, Dollar iyo Giniga Istarliinka ah; iyagoo aanan waqti badan uga dhumin isku sarifka iyo isku bedelka lacagahaas. Sidaasna adeeggani wuxuu kaalin weyn ka ciyaarayaa in dalka usoo jiido lacag qalaad oo xoog leh.

Guddoomiyaha Premier Bank Dr. Maxamed Geedi Jumcaale ayaa xusay in addeegga lacag fududeynta Online-ka ah ay qayb ka tahay qorshaha iyo aragtida istiraatiijiyeed ee bangiga udegsan in lagaaro ilaa sanadda 2030, taas oo ah in la yagleelo saylad dhaqaale oo ay ku kulansanyihiin macaamiisha sita kaararka caalamiga ah iyo ganacsatada kala gedisan.

“Iyada oo hiigsigeenna ay qayb weyn ka tahay in aan hoggaanka uqabano suuqqa horumarka dhaqaalaha, teknolojiyadda iyo hal-abuurka ayuu Premier Bank la kaashaday Mastercard si uu udaah furo hannaan lacag is dhaafsi oo isticmaalkiisu fududyahay, aamin ah, degdegsiimadiisuna aad u sarrayso. Adeeg ku suntan in uu awood siiyo ganacsiyada maxalliga ah una soo jiido macamiil ka fog deegaankooda, lehna baahiyo kala gedisan” ayuu hadalkiisa raacshay Guddoomiye Dr. Maxamed Geedi Jumcaale.

Iskaashigaan ayaa imaanaya waqti baahida loo qabo ganacsiga online-ka ay cirka iskusii shareerayso; iyadoo fursado hor leh u abuureysa in la yagleelo bulsho kaash la’aan ah (cashless society). Halka ganacsiga online-ka uu koboc sare sameeyay illaa xanuunkii safmarka ahaa ee Covid-19 maadaama macaamiishu guri joog ubadnaayeen. Qadarka lacagaha la isku dhaafsaday ganacsiga online-ka sanadkii 2020 ayaa kor udhaafay $4.29 trillion oo dollar — ahna kobac dhan 24.1% ($3.46  trillion dollar) marka lala barbardhigo sanadkii kasii horeeyay.

Maaha markii ugu horreysay ee Premier Bank uu horyaal u noqdo hal-abuurka maaliyadeed ee dalka, waxa aannu weli u heellanahay sidii aan macmiishiisa ugaga farxin lahayn adeegyo kobiciya ganacsigooda, kana caawinaya in ay faa’ido fiican sameeyaan. Sidaas awgeed ganacsade walba oo danaynaya in uu ka mid noqdo dadka ugu horreeya ee fursadahan ka faa’idaysta, waxaan kusoo dhawaynaynaa adeegga Premier Payment Gateway.

Press Release

Mastercard and Premier Bank Collaborate to Expand Digital Payment Capabilities for Somali Businesses.

Mastercard and Premier Bank Collaborate to Expand Digital Payment Capabilities for Somali Businesses

New Premier Payment Gateway enables international online transactions, boosting e-commerce and economic growth in Somalia. 

Mogadishu, Somalia | 14 July 2024: Mastercard has collaborated with Premier Bank, a Sharia-compliant commercial bank in Somalia, to launch Premier Payment Gateway, a digital payments platform that enables Somali businesses to accept international card payments for online purchases. This groundbreaking initiative is expected to significantly expand market reach, increase revenue for local businesses, and contribute to the growth of Somalia’s digital economy. 

Powered by the Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPGS), the Premier Payment Gateway provides a secure, seamless, and efficient way for Somali businesses and merchants to accept Mastercard and other branded payment cards from customers worldwide. This capability ensures that merchants receive payments in foreign currency without lengthy settlement processes, thereby attracting foreign currency into Somalia and boosting the local economy.

Shehryar Ali, Country Manager for East Africa and Indian Ocean Islands at Mastercard, highlighted the benefits of this initiative, stating, “Through this collaboration, businesses will have access to a safe online payment gateway that will enable them to accept payments, expand their customer base, and boost their revenues. This supports Mastercard’s efforts to bring 50 million micro and small businesses into the digital economy by 2025, underscoring our commitment to fostering financial inclusion and supporting businesses globally. We are proud to collaborate with Premier Bank to enhance the e-commerce landscape in Somalia and grow access to the digital economy.”

Dr. Mohamed Ghedi Jumale, CEO of Premier Bank, emphasized on the strategic importance of this collaboration. “As part of our aspiration to be a market leader through impactful transformation, innovation, and digitization, Premier Bank has collaborated with Mastercard to launch an innovative e-commerce solution designed to help local businesses grow internationally. This partnership will provide secure, around-the-clock payment services to our customers, allowing the bank to expand our customer base both locally and globally by meeting diverse requirements.” 

The collaboration aligns with Premier Bank’s 2030 strategy to create a mutually beneficial payment ecosystem for international cardholders and merchants. It comes at a time when the appetite for e-commerce is rising, providing an opportunity for the advancement of a digital economy in Somalia. E-commerce has increased significantly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this new gateway will provide Somali businesses with the tools to capitalize on the growing demand for online shopping. With 7.99 million cellular mobile connections in Somalia at the start of 2023, equivalent to about 44.7% of the total population and increasing internet accessibility in Somalia, the digital payment gateway is well-positioned to tap into the evolving consumer who wants a safe and seamless online shopping experience.

The Premier Payment Gateway represents a first-of-its-kind initiative in Somalia, empowering local businesses to accept international payments and compete on a global scale while also enabling consumers worldwide to gain access to a broad range of Somali products online. By simplifying the process for Somali merchants to receive payments in foreign currencies, this platform attracts and retains foreign currency into the country and supports broader economic growth and financial inclusion goals. It is a centralized gateway to streamline tax and fee collections, improving efficiency and reducing leakage.


This strategic alliance brings international standards and security to Somalia’s financial services, enhancing trust and reliability for both merchants and consumers. This initiative also sets a precedent for fintech companies operating in emerging markets, demonstrating the potential for fintech solutions to drive economic growth and financial inclusion.


About Premier Bank 

Premier Bank Limited is a fully fledged commercial Bank, licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Somalia to provide commercial Banking and Financial Services in the country. 

Premier Bank financial solutions offering includes Retail, Corporate and SME Banking, Mobile and Internet banking, ATM Banking, SWIFT transfers, Treasury services, trade financing products, personal financing and international money transfer and so much more. Premier Bank also provides Mastercard Debit and Prepaid cards, Premier Wallet, mobile and internet banking service facilitates online banking for both personal and business.

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Press Release



Mogadishu, March 02 2024:
Dr. Ghedi has been elected as the new
Managing Director of Premier Bank.

Premier Bank, one of the leading financial institutions in Somalia and Kenya,
announced today that its Board of Directors has appointed Dr. Mohamed Ghedi
Jumale as its new Managing Director, effective from today. Dr. Ghedi will succeed
Mr. Osman Duale Ahmed.
Dr. Ghedi Jumale, is a dynamic figure in the field of strategic management, renowned
for his insightful perspectives on corporate strategy. With a Ph.D. in Strategic
Management from a top-tier university, Dr. Ghedi has established himself as a leading
authority on strategic planning, competitive analysis, and organizational
Dr. Ghedi is also a professional banker with 10 years of experience in the financial
industry. Before he was appointed as Managing Director of the Premier Bank Somalia,
Dr. Mohamed worked as Acting Managing Director, Deputy, Head for HR Department
and also Financing and Investment Department at Premier Bank. Ghedi holds a
bachelor’s degree in business administration, MBA in Human Resource Management,
MBA in law, and a PhD in Strategic Management.
“We have entered a new chapter, one where I am certain that Premier Bank is on a
path to greatly improve our country and the bank itself. It’s time for new leadership
that we all can trust and be confident in,” said Chairman Jibril Hassan.
As a researcher, Dr. Ghedi has published numerous articles in prestigious academic
journals, exploring topics such as strategic decision-making, innovation and
knowledge management, and corporate governance. Dr. Ghedi is a passionate and
engaging lecturer, known for his ability to translate complex theories into practical
insights for business leaders and students alike.


Press Release



Mogadishu, 25 March 2022: On Friday, Hajj, and Umrah Network Somalia (HUNSo)
and Premier Bank launched Haleel Service in Mogadishu, a joint venture that will
make Hajj and Umrah more accessible and convenient. The service is available
during the Umrah months of the Hijri calendar, which begin in Muḥarram and end
in Ramadan of the Islamic calendar.
Customers who want to perform Umrah during Ramadan will be able to subscribe
to an annual payment through Haleel Service.
Mr. Yunus Osman Ahmed, Head of Operations at Haleel Service, said the service
will help anyone with financial resources who cannot afford to pay for Hajj and
Umrah all at once but can do so in instalments.
“We are delighted to inform Somalis that the Haleel Service will be available
starting today. Haleel Service fulfills the dream of parents and families who want
to visit Allah’s house. As we all know, every Somali who is alive and healthy wishes
to perform Haj and Umrah, and we have made it easy for everyone to do so,” Mr.
Yunus says.

The Service provides access to interest-free financial loans and a well-planned and
simple payment system.

Sheikh Abdinafi Moalim Hashi, chairperson of the Hajj, and Umrah Network
Somalia HUNSO – and a member of the Haleel Service Board of Trustees stated
that the service was launched just in time for the community to benefit from it
during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan.
“It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to hajj or hajj with me (in reward).” As a result,
now is the ideal time to engage in such valuable worship. We have also expanded
this service in light of the country’s and many parts of the world’s economic
situation, the COVID-19 epidemic, which has hampered Hajj and Umrah
performance for two years, and the holy month of Ramadan is coming soon you
will reap more rewards,” Sheikh Abdinafi states.
PRESS RELEASE Applying for the Service is simple.

“Anyone who meets the requirements and has a Somali passport or a passport
with a valid Somali residence permit will be able to apply for Umrah,” notes Sheikh
The Service provides straightforward payment options.
Mr. Ahmednur Mohamed Abdi, Head of Public Relations at Premier Bank, there are
two ways to use Haleel Service: pay in cash all at once or pay an advance of at
least 30 per cent of the total value of the package chosen by the customer and pay
it in installments over the course of a year.
“Premier Bank is pleased to be able to assist our clients in taking advantage of this
golden opportunity. Anyone with an identity card/passport, an employment card,
proof of income, and financial security or guarantors can apply for a bank loan,”
Ahmed Nur explains.
The government is also in favor of such a noble initiative.
Speaking at the launch of the Haleel Service, the Minister of Endowments and
Religious Affairs of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Omar Ali Roble, said
that any services that encourages, supports, and facilitates access to the Two
Holy Mosques for Somalis is part of his ministry’s policy.
He stated that the Haleel Service is part of the solution and that it will alleviate the
financial and technical challenges that many people face when visiting Allah’s
House. As the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs is generally
responsible for facilitating the fulfilment of religious duties, he expressed that the
companies involved in the Haleel Service will be supported.
Haleel Service is the first of its kind in Somalia.